Myth of the Wealthy Job Creator
One of the easiest political targets are tax-cuts. Nobody likes to work really hard and then see a large chunk of the fruits of their labors going to taxes. It’s therefore become common wisdom that cutting taxes is the only way to grow the economy, by “returning” this hard earned money back. There are however a class of people with so much money they don’t need to work. These people are the true capitalists. The invest money into businesses or property and reap the dividends and capital gains. It’s harder to justify giving large tax cuts to the already wealthy who aren’t really working for their money. Many also take small but high-level part-time jobs such as on a board of directors for their own or friendly companies. They might also given themselves an executive level position but actually delegate the day-to-day operations of the company to underlings. They can run multiple companies this way and spend time traveling to procure other business opportunities. Though others are ac...